Listed by Kathy DeVries and Shelby Reno, this generational agribusiness enterprise sold in less than 80 days. Using a variety of comps to determine a value for the acreage, the residence, outbuildings, and enterprise value, DeVries and Reno presented the sellers with a probable selling price and rationale when the sellers were contemplating the sale of the business. The buyer recognized the positive physical attributes of the site that include the preferred USDA hardiness zone, soil type, agricultural zoning, and water table. Operational characteristics included high-yielding mature and future-yielding young plant material, permanent irrigation, wells, and outbuildings. The sale also included a practical mix of specialized farming machinery, vehicles, and equipment for a truly turn-key opportunity. The buyer intends to continue blueberry wholesale production into the future. The proceeds of the sale of the farm allow the sellers to enjoy full retirement.
Successful Sale of Homestead Berry Farm